Get Involved
Donations NeededDonate to For Kitty’s Sake
Your donations will help us provide care for our animals every day. We rely on your contribution so we are able to treat our sick or injured animals, provide food and shelter, and administer vaccinations to improve the quality of their health. All donations, including adoption fees, are 100% tax deductible. Please contact us if you would like a receipt for your donation.
Donate on Venmo
Scan or click the QR code to make a secure donation on Venmo. If asked, the last four digits of the telephone number associated with our account are 0416.
Donate on PayPal
Scan or click the QR code to make a donation securely through PayPal. You can also find us on PayPal by looking up our email address,
our amazon wishlist
For Kitty’s Sake has an Amazon Wishlist where you can purchase items that directly benefit local animals. It includes items such as cat toys, beds, collars, and preventative flea treatments.
our chewy wishlist
For Kitty’s Sake has a Chewy Wishlist where you can purchase items that directly benefit local animals. It includes items such as cat toys, beds, collars, and preventative flea treatments.
Bonfire Campaigns
Periodically, For Kitty’s Sake will hold fundraisers on Bonfire. Bonfire is a t-shirt fundraising platform that works for individuals, groups, causes, and nonprofits. As a nonprofit, we receive a discount on the materials, resulting in a bigger profit margin. A portion of the sales will be directly donated to our rescue.
For Kitty’s Sake is an all-volunteer, nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization registered with the IRS. You can find more about our nonprofit status on our Guidestar profile.
Thank you
For Kitty’s Sake relies entirely on donations and fundraising events to support our mission. Community support and involvement is crucial to our effectiveness. We could not achieve our mission without the dedicated assistance of our foster home providers, adoptive families, veterinarian and business partners, volunteer network and generous supporters.