How to Stop Your Cat From Biting
Do you want to correct the biting habit of your cat? While learning to stop kittens from biting, be patient with her. The cat is biting for a reason. Try to understand the reason and handle her carefully. There are wrong ways and right ways to stop kittens from biting.
You must ignore her if she is angry and frustrated. Don’t shout at her. Balance your behavior with her as you might handle your kid. For me, I take care of my Kitty just like my baby, the most important member of my family.
Tips to Stop Kittens From Biting
1. React calmly to your cat
Never shout or hit your cat. Losing your temper with your cat will terrify her and she will become nervous and confused.
- Treat your furry feline nicely.
- Never punish your cat. This causes suffering without discovering the actual reason.
- She always expects a pleasant response from you.
2. Separate yourself from the cat when she bites you.
Don’t touch the cat and hold your hands away.
- Stand up slowly and remove her from your lap.
- Let her calm down.
- Don’t start cuddling or petting her as she can get confused.
When my cat used to bite and scratch, I walked away from her. In this way, a clear message goes to her that I did not like it.
3. Give your cat some space to walk away
Give her some space so that she can calm down.
- If you do not give her the space to walk away, she may attack you. And why is that? She is thinking that you are trapping her.
- Don’t feed your cat till twenty minutes after her biting and scratching incident. She may take it as an award.
- Show her silently that you are not happy with her.
4. Encourage your cat to change her behavior
- It is the nature of the cat to always react positively to positive enforcement. Therefore, you must reward her appropriate behavior.
- Ignore and withdraw yourself from her negative behavior.
- Give her a catnip mouse to bite. Appreciate her for biting the toy.
- In this way, she can differentiate between right and wrong practice.
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5. Take the help of gestures and body movements
- If the cat is biting or scratching you, say “no” in an authoritative tone.
- Point a finger at your cat with a fierce look. She will understand that you are angry with her.
- Don’t talk or look at her for 10 minutes.
- If your cat is dominant or aggressive use the clapping method to control her. If she bites, then clap loud and say “no.”
- She will start recognizing these actions.
6. Ignore the cat.
- Walk away when your cat starts biting or scratching you.
- Repeat this whenever she bites you.
- Ignore her for 5-10 minutes.
- In this way, she will get used to it and will learn.
- This method is best for all kinds of cat and kittens.
- This is the best way to discipline your cat.
7. Preventing biting and scratching
Teach your cat her limits when she plays with you.
- If she nips you during playing, pull your hand away.
- Stand up and walk away.
- Your cat will soon learn that this is her limit and you do not like it.
- I taught my cat in the same manner and have done it consistently so now she knows that biting is wrong.
- Pull your cat away gently if she is giving you love bites and you don’t like them. Pulling the cat gently away will make her uncomfortable.
8. Give cats toys to play with
While playing with the cat, it can happen that she might bite you.
- It’s always a good idea to provide toys, like a catnip mouse, fishing toys, or a laser light pointer.
- Cats bite, chew or scratch for fun and not to harm you.
- Avoid their biting on your hands by using a fishing pole toy.
9. Provide plenty of time to play and also neuter her
- Set aside a 5-10 minutes sessions to play with your cat.
- Play with her until she gets tired.
- Running will stimulate her mentally and help her be physically fit.
- A tired cat will not attack you.
- My neutered cat is more sociable and home loving.
10. Recognize pre-striking signs of aggression
- Dilated pupils, ceasing to purr and skin rippling show that your cat is angry.
- If she growls, whines or hiss then take care.
- Large pupils of the cat while playing in your lap can be a little bit dangerous.
- Look out for all these signs in your cat and take precautions.
11. You must understand the reason for biting and scratching
- Was your cat was raised by humans or orphaned?
- Hand–reared kittens are not familiar with litter life.
- These cats are grown aggressively.
- Young kittens separated from their mother early don’t learn how to avoid nipping.
- Young cats bite to explore their environment, which is quite normal.
12. Figure out if your cat is stressed or anxious
- The stressed cat will lash out.
- Your cat can become stressed by the change in environment or new people.
- If the environment of the house is noisy, she can become stressed.
- When my cat is stressed, I take the special care of her emotional needs.
- Turn down the noisy TV; maintain a calm atmosphere in the house.
- Don’t cry or shout in front of the cat.
- Differentiate between your cat being over playful or aggressive
13. I take special care of my cat if she is sick or in pain.
- A sick cat can become defensive and can attack.
- Keep her away from harmful foods for cats.
- If the cat is suffering from loss of weight, vomiting and thirsty take her to vet.
- Short tempered, yowling and biting cat are the reasons to worry about her health.
- When she recovers from her illness, she will not bite.
I have taken all these precautions to correct the bad habit of biting in my cat. I recommend you follow all these steps. If you are not getting results, consult a vet.
For more information on stopping kittens from biting, please contact us.
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